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ysladmin 2024-07-23 人已围观

简介丰田卡罗拉汽车广告歌曲_丰田卡罗拉汽车广告歌曲视频       如果您对丰田卡罗拉汽车广告歌曲感兴趣,那么我可以提供一些关于它的背景和特点的信息,以及一些相关的资源和建议。1.请







       Toyota.丰田 Corolla.卡罗拉 最近电视常播的广告的广告歌

       原唱是大名鼎鼎的“The Beatles——甲壳虫乐队”,歌名叫《In my life》,被丰田汽车花重金买来版权,重新找女声配唱的。



       原唱是The Beatles,歌名叫In my life,被TOYOTA买来版权,重新女声翻唱的,女声翻唱版本网上找不到,如果要下载原唱,可以去下面地址:/2songs/inmylife/inmylife.mp3

       In my life


       There are places I'll remember

       All my life though some have changed

       Some forever not for better

       Some have gone and some remain

       All these places have their moments

       With lovers and friends I still can recall

       Some are dead and some are living

       In my life I've loved them all

       But of all these friends and lovers

       There is no one compares with you

       And these memories lose their meaning

       When I think of love as something new

       Though I know I'll never lose affection

       For people and things that went before

       I know I'll often stop and think about them

       In my life I love you more

       Though I know I'll never lose affection

       For people and things that went before

       I know I'll often stop and think about them

       In my life I love you more

       In my life I love you more


       下载地址: /2songs/inmylife/inmylife.mp3

































