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apollonian and dionysian_apollonian

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简介1.乡土中国产生的个人影响和时代影响2.求帮忙翻译一个英文目录,谢谢!前面数字是序号,后面数字是页码。(三)3.求英文目录的翻译4.寻蛋形曲线公式5.尼著作英文版6.如何信达雅地翻译“write drunk, edit sober”?[1] Farquhar, P. H. Managing brand equity .Journal of Advertising Research, 1990,30






6.如何信达雅地翻译“write drunk, edit sober”?

apollonian and dionysian_apollonian

[1] Farquhar, P. H. Managing brand equity .Journal of Advertising Research, 1990,30, 30 (4) :7-12 .

[2] Kamakura WA, Russell GJ. Measuring brand value with scanner data .International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1993,10, 10 (3) :9-22 .

[3] Aaker DA. Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name .New York: Free Press, 1991, .

[4] Keller, Kevin Lane. Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equity .New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1998, .

[5] Biel,Alexander. How Brand Image Drives Brand Equity .Journal of AdvertisingReseareh. 1992, .

[6] Farquhar, P. H. Managing brand equity .Journal of Advertising Research, 1990,30, 30 (4) :7-12 .

[7] Kamakura WA, Russell GJ. Measuring brand value with scanner data .International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1993,10, 10 (3) :9-22 .

[8] Aaker DA. Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name .New York: Free Press, 1991, .

[9] Keller, Kevin Lane. Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equity .New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1998, .

[10] Biel,Alexander. How Brand Image Drives Brand Equity .Journal of AdvertisingReseareh. 1992, .


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Classicism is a specific genre of literature which has Greek and Roman influence and had an emphasis on society, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason.

Classicism first made an earance as such during the Italian renaissance when the fall of Byzantium and rising trade with the Islamic cultures brought a flood of knowledge about, and from, the antiquity of Europe. Until that time the identification with antiquity had been seen as a continuous history of Christendom from the conversion of Roman Emperor Constantine I. Renaissance classicism introduced a host of elements into European culture, including the lication of mathematics and empiricism into art, humanism, literary and depictive realism, and formalism. Importantly it also introduced Polytheism, or "paganism", and the juxtaposition of ancient and modern.

The classicism of the Renaissance was to lead to and give way to, a different sense of the classical in the 16th and 17th centuries. In this period classicism took on more overtly structural overtones of orderliness, predictability, the use of geometry and grids, the importance of rigorous discipline and pedagogy, the formation of schools of art and music. The court of Louis XIV was seen as the center of this form of classicism, with its references to the gods of Olympus as a symbolic prop for absolutism, its adherence to axiomatic and deductive reasoning, and its love of order and predictability. This period sought the revival of classical art forms, including Greek drama and music. Opera, in its modern European form, had its roots in attempts to recreate the combination of singing and dancing with theatre thought to be the Greek norm. Examples of this eal to classicism included Dante, Petrarch, and Shakespeare in poetry and theatre. Tudor drama, in particular, modeled itself after classical ideals and divided works into Tragedy and Comedy. Studying ancient Greek became regarded as essential for a well-rounded education in the liberal arts.

The Renaissance also explicitly returned to architectural models and techniques associated with Greek and Roman antiquity, including the golden rectangle as a key proportion for buildings, the classical orders of columns, as well as a host of ornament and detail associated with Greek and Roman architecture. They also began reviving plastic arts such as bronze casting for sculpture, and used the classical naturalism as the foundation of drawing, painting and sculpture.

The Age of the Enlightenment identified itself with a vision of antiquity which, while continuous with the classicism of the previous century, was shaken by the physics of Sir Isaac Newton, the improvements in machinery and measurement, and a sense of liberation which they saw as being present in the Greek civilization, particularly in its struggles against the Persian Empire. The ornate, organic, and complexly integrated forms of the baroque were to give way to a series of movements that regarded themselves expressly as "classical" or "neo-classical", or would rapidly be labelled as such. For example the painting of Jacques-Louis Did which was seen as an attempt to return to formal balance, clarity, manliness, and vigor in art.

The 19th century saw the classical age as being the precursor of academicism, including such movements as uniformitarianism in the sciences, and the creation of rigorous categories in artistic fields. Various movements of the romantic period saw themselves as classical revolts against a prevailing trend of emotionalism and irregularity, for example the Pre-Raphaelites. By this point classicism was old enough that previous classical movements received revivals; for example, the Renaissance was seen as a means to combine the organic medieval with the orderly classical. The 19th century continued or extended many classical programs in the sciences, most notably the Newtonian program to account for the movement of energy between bodies by means of exchange of mechanical and thermal energy.

The 20th century saw a number of changes in the arts and sciences. Classicism was used both by those who rejected, or saw as temporary, transfigurations in the political, scientific, and social world and by those who embraced the changes as a means to overthrow the perceived weight of the 19th century. Thus, both pre-20th century disciplines were labelled "classical" and modern movements in art which saw themselves as aligned with light, space, sparseness of texture, and formal coherence.

In the present classicism is used as a term particularly in relation to what Apollonian over Dionysian impulses in society and art, that is a preference for rationality, or at least rationally guided catharsis, over emotionalism.



1. 礼俗社会:没有具体目标,只是因为在一起生长而发生的社会。p9

2. 法理社会:为了要完成一件任务而结合的社会。p9

3. 愚:文盲,不识字。p12

4. 面对面的社群:生活上互相合作而且天天见面的一群人。p14

5. 特殊语言:非文字性的,可以用来传情达意的语言,如表情、肢体语言、行话等。

6. 时间阻隔:一方面是个人的今昔之隔,一方面是社会的世代之隔。p18

7. 记忆:“记”带有在当前为了将来有用而加以认取的意思;“忆”是为了当前有关而回想到过去经验。

8. 文化:依赖象征体系和个人的记忆而维护着的社会共同经验。P19

9. 私:由于缺乏对“公”的共识,而每个人对“公”与“私”划分的伸缩性又极强,所以很难对“私”的评价做界定。

10. 团体:用捆柴来打比方,只指由团体格局中所形成的社群。p24、p36

11. 团体格局:如同一捆捆、一扎扎、一把把柴火摆在一起。个人间的联系靠着一个共同的架子;先有了这架子,每个人结上这架子,而互相发生关联。p24、p30

12. 亲属关系:根据生育和婚姻事实所发生的社会关系。p25

13. 伦:从自己推出去的和自己发生社会关系的那一群人里所发生的一轮轮波纹的差序。p26

14. 差序格局:同“伦”,即以“己”为中心,通过有差等的次序和一根根私人联系而构成的网络。p26

15. 个人主义:一方面是平等观念,指在同一团体中各分子的地位相等,个人不能侵犯大家的权利;一方面是宪法观念,指团体不能抹煞个人,只能在个人们所愿意交出的一分权力上控制个人。p27

16. 自我主义:一切价值是以“己”作为中心的主义,具有相对性和伸缩性。p27

17. 道德观念:在社会里生活的人自觉应当遵守社会行为规范的信念,包括着行为规范、行为者的信念和社会的制裁。内容是人和人关系的行为规范,是依着该社会的格局而决定的。p30

18. 代理者:团体格局社会中,执行团体意志的人。p31

19. 社群:一切有组织的人群,把社群来代替普通所谓团体。P36

20. 社会圈子:差序格局中的基本社群,相当于“小家族”。P36

21. 事业组织:用来形容中国乡土社会的家族或家庭。在生育、政治、经济、宗教等功能上具有绵延性,主轴在父子之间、婆媳之间,夫妇是配轴,这两轴都被事业的需要排斥了普通的感情(与纪律相对照的普通感情)。P39

22. 生活堡垒:用来形容西洋家庭团体。此类家庭里,夫妇是主轴,共同经营生育事物,之间的感情是凝合的力量,家庭是其获取生活安慰的中心;子女是配角,政治、经济、宗教等功能也都不是家庭的分内事。P39

23. 感情定向:文化所规定个人感情可以发展的方向。P41

24. 了解:指接受着同一的意义体系。稳定社会关系的力量,不是感情,而是了解。P42

25. 阿波罗式(Apollonian)的西方文化模式:认定宇宙的安排有一个完善的秩序,这个秩序超于人力的创造,人不过是去接受它,安于其位,维持它;但是人连维持它的力量都没有,天堂遗失了,黄金时代过去了。P42

26. 浮士德式(Faustian)的西方文化模式:把冲突看成存在的基础,生命是阻碍的克服;没有了阻碍,生命也就失去了意义;他们把前途看成无尽的创造过程,不断地变。P42

27. 法治:社会上人和人的关系是根据法律来维持的,其实是“人依法而治”。在一个变迁很快的社会,传统的效力无法保证,所应付的问题如果要由团体合作的时候,就得大家接受个同意的办法,要保证大家在规定的办法下合作应付共同问题,就得有个力量来控制各个人,这个力量就是法律。P46

28. 人治:其实是“礼治”,没有所谓“人治”的概念。但礼治并不意味着文质彬彬,也可以很残忍。

29. 礼:社会公认合式(对是合式的意思)的行为规范,从教化中养成了个人的敬畏之感,使人服膺,用“克”、“约”等字表示。克己复礼、推己及人、约定俗成P49

30. 传统:社累积的经验,用来维持“礼”这种规范的无形权力。P48

31. 横暴权力:从社会冲突方面着眼,权力表现在社会不同团体或阶层间主从的形态里,权力是维持这种主从关系所必需的手段,具有压迫性质。P56


21)从炼金术到“化学”4作者:威廉R. newmanthe第十六世纪初499paracelsus 502reaction和帕拉塞尔苏斯的影响506transmutation和物质理论510schools思想在近代早期化学,513(22):魔法518作者布瑞恩P. copenheragrippa的魔法手册519the信誉的魔法:文本,图像,和经验526magic审判529virtues安眠药和视觉532magic视线之外的538(23):541作者占星术H.达雷尔rutkinastrology大约1500:知识和体制结构改革547the 542astrological命运的占星术552the第十八世纪,超过558(24):562作者天文学在学习569the改革和天文学573astrology 577kepler革命581galileo 584descartes的宇宙学586the情况大约1650的状态的结构,上世纪第十六年代初564renaissance人文renovatio 565cracks威廉donahueastronomical教育:开普勒,伽利略、笛卡尔的接待,587新星,变星,和恒星天文学590newton 592conclusion 594发展(25)声学和光学596作者:在早期现代时期5the第十六世纪保罗mancosumusic理论和声学:毕达哥拉斯和aristoxenian传统声学598the出生早在第十七世纪604developments声学在十七世纪后半期在现代608optics早期:概述611optics在第十六世纪612kepler的贡献和衍射光学613refraction 618geometrical光学和图像位置623the光的性质和它的速度624newton理论中的光和色彩626conclusion 630(26):多梅尼科力学632作者bertoloni melimechanical传统634studies在第十六世纪638galileo 640reading伽利略运动636motion和力学:从托里,梅森649descartes机械论哲学和力学653reading笛卡尔,伽利略:惠更斯和年龄的ofacademies 659newtonD一个新的世界体系664reading牛顿和笛卡尔:莱布尼茨和他的学校668(27):吉姆673作者机械艺术bennettthe机械艺术1500 677clocks和其他天文仪器679mathematical和光学仪器683nigation,测绘,战争,和制图686art和性质693(28):696纯数学作者基尔斯的安徒生和亨克。M. bosthe社会语境6stimuli:方法和存在的问题702the遗传代数和继承的挑战708the接待欧几里得的要素710the响应先进的希腊数学:阿波罗,阿基米德,和丢番图的传统712the代数和几何714the结石合并:现代性和语境722 718conclusion


25声学 和 光学596

保罗 曼科苏

在早期现代时期 5 音乐理论和 声学

第十六世纪: 毕达哥拉斯 和 aristoxenian 传统 598

早在第十七 世纪604 声学 的诞生

在 下半年在 声学 的发展

第十七 世纪608

在早期现代时期 光学: 概述611

在第十六世纪 612光学开普勒望远镜的 光学 613 的贡献

折射和 衍射 618

几何光学和 图像 位置623

光的 速度和 624 的性质

牛顿 的 理论 的光和色, 626


26 力学632

多梅尼科 bertoloni 梅利莎

634 机械 的传统

在 636运动 的研究

在第十六世纪 638 运动和力学

伽利略号 640

阅读 : 从 伽利略 到 梅森 649 托里

笛卡尔 机械论哲学 和力学653

阅读 笛卡尔 , 伽利略: 惠更斯 和 年龄


牛顿 和一个新的 世界体系 664

阅读 牛顿 和 笛卡尔: 莱布尼茨和他的 学校668

27 机械艺术 673

吉姆 班尼特

1500 677 机械艺术

时钟 和其他天文 仪器679

数学仪器 683 和光学

导航 , 测绘 , 战争 , 和 制图 686

艺术和 自然693

28纯 数学696

安徒生 和亨克 J. M. BOS 基尔斯

社会背景 6

刺激 的方法及存在的问题 702

遗传 代数和 继承的 挑战708

欧几里得的 要素 710 接待

晚期 希腊数学 的响应 : 阿波罗 ,

阿基米德 , 传统 和 丢番图 712

代数和几何 714 合并

微积分 718

结论: 现代性 和语境 722




Egg shaped curves:


Sei P1 = (x1,y1) ein Punkt des Kreises um (0,d) mit Radius a.

(1) (x1-d)^2 + y1^2 = a^2

Sei P2 = (x2,y2) ein Punkt des Kreises um (0,0) mit Radius b.

(2) x2^2 + y2^2 = b^2

Seien die Punkte P1 und P2 auf einer Geraden durch den Ursprung.

(3) y1/x1 = y2/x2

Gesucht ist die Gleichung fuer Q = (x1,y2).

Vorgehen: Elimination der Variablen x2 und y1.

Loese (1) nach y1^2 auf und (2) nach x2^2 auf.

(1') y1^2 = a^2 - (x1-d)^2

(2') x2^2 = b^2 - y2^2

Quadriere (3).

(3') x2^2 y1^2 = x1^2 y2^2

Setze (1') und (2') in (3') ein.

(4) (b^2 - y2^2)(a^2 - (x1-d)^2) = x1^2 y2^2

Transformation x1 - d -> x und y2 -> y.

(5) (b^2 - y^2)(a^2 - x^2) = (x+d)^2 y^2


(6) b^2 x^2 + a^2 y^2 + 2d xy^2 + d^2 y^2 = a^2 b^2

(7) x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 (1 + (2dx+d^2)/a^2) = 1

Du siehst, fuer d=0 gi es die Ellipsengleichung in (a,b) Form.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


P1 (x1, y1) 是圆心为(0,d) ,半径a的圆,方程为

(x1-d)^2 +y1^2 = a^2 (1)

P2 (x2, y2) 是圆心为(0,0 ) ,半径b的圆,方程为

x2^2 + y2^2 = b^2 (2)

连接P1 和P2 直线方程

y1/x1 = y2/x2 (3)

寻找Q (x1, y2) 关于变量(x1, y2)的等式

过程如下: 消除变量x2 和y1.

消除(1) 中的y1^2和(2) 的x2^2,得到

y1^2 = a^2 - (x1-d)^2 (1')

x2^2 = b^2 - y2^2 (2')

将 (3)式平方,得到

x2^2 y1^2 = x1^2 y2^2 (3')

将(1')和 (2') 带入(3') 得到

(4) (b^2 - y2^2)(a^2 - (x1-d)^2) = x1^2 y2^2


设x1 - d 为x 及 y2 为 y,得方程

(b^2 - y^2)(a^2 - x^2) = (x+d)^2 y^2 (5)


b^2 x^2 + a^2 y^2 + 2d xy^2 + d^2 y^2 = a^2 b^2 (6)

x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 (1 + (2dx+d^2)/a^2) = 1 (7)

可以知道, 当d=0 ,它就是椭圆方程的形式。

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mechanical egg curve construction by a two bar linkage - a quartic


/ /

B /

/ /

/ /


Let Q and P be points on a horizontal axis. Q is fixed.

The two bars of the linkage are QA and PA.

Let QA = r, AP = a, BP = b. (Note that a need not be greater than r.)

Now A can be moved around Q on a circular track. Thereby

P is moving forth and back. The track of B is an egg curve.

B need no be between A and P. Let Q be the origin of a coordinate

system. Then the resulting quatic curve is symmetric in x and y.

So it actually describes two eggs.

Such a divise has been described by [Karl Mocnik 1998].

An interactive web page with such a linkage is

.museo.unimo.it/theatrum/macchine/ sistema biella-manovella.

For r=2, a=3, b=2 we get a nice egg curve.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


/ /

B /

/ /

/ /


让Q 和P 是点在一个水平的轴。Q 是固定的。

联结两个连杆QA 和PA 。

让QA = r, AP = a, BP = b 。(注意a可以不大于r 。)

现在A 在Q 附近的一条圆轨道移动。从而P可以前后移动。B 轨道就是蛋曲线,另种说法为卵形曲线。

B 可以不在A 和P 之间。让Q 是座标系的原点 。然后得到的四次方曲线是关于x 和y轴对称 。


[ Karl Mocnik 1998]描述了这样方法。


.museo.unimo.it/theatrum/macchine/ sistema biella manovella。

当r=2, a=3, b=2 就可以得到好的蛋曲线。

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Polynomials making chains of eggs:

Let f(x) = (x-x1)(x-x2)...(x-xn) be a polynomial

with distinct real roots x1, x2, ... xn.

Example: f(x) for n=4 looks like this


x x x x


x x x x

x x x x

The equation y^2 = f(x) will he two eggs in [x1,x2] and [x3,x4].

With 2n roots we can create a chain of n eggs in this way.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


让f(x) = (x-x1)(x-x2)... (x-xn) 是多项式,并有相异的实根x1, x2... xn 。


当n=4 ,f(x) 看起来象这样


x x x x


x x x x

x x x x

等式y^2 = f(x) 将有二个蛋,参数分别为[ x1, x2 ] 和[ x3,x4 ] 。

2n 个根我们能创造n 蛋链。

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Newton's cubic: Elliptic curve

y^2 = x(x+a)(x+b) three real and unequal roots 0, -a, -b


, , | '

' ' , | '

' ' |'


, , |,

, , ' | ,

' ' | ,

Another parametrization which gives better control of the shape

a^2 b y^2 = c^2 (x + a)(x - a)(x - b) with 0 < a < b

, ,A ' A = (0, c)

' ' , '

' ' '

- -a -----0----- +a -----b------------------

, , ,

, , ' ,

' ' ,

The maximal value occures at x = (b - sqrt(b^2 + 3a^2))/3.

The radius of curvature of a parabola y^2 = 2px at x=0 is p.

Let f(x) = (x + a)(x - a)(x - b) then f'(a) = 2a(a-b) and

f'(-a) = 2a(a+b). Therefore the radius of curvature of the

egg at x=a is c^2(1/a - 1/b) and at x=-a it is c^2(1/a + 1/b).

Double Egg quartic:

y^2 = -c(x+a)(x-a)(x+b)(x-b) = -c(x^2 - a^2)(x^2 - b^2)

Special case of the polynomial egg chain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Newton's 立方体: 椭圆曲线

y^2 = x(x+a)(x+b) 三个不等的实根0, - a, - b


, , | '

' ' , | '

' ' |'


, , |,

, , ' | ,

' ' | ,


a^2 b y^2 = c^2 (x + a)(x - a)(x - b) ,0 < a< b

, ,A ' A = (0, c)

' ' , '

' ' '

- -a -----0----- +a -----b------------------

, , ,

, , ' ,

' ' ,

最大值在x = (b - sqrt(b^2 + 3a^2))/3 处。

抛物线y^2 = 2px 的曲率半径,在x=0 时是p 。

令f(x) = (x + a)(x - a)(x - b)

则f '(a) = 2a(a-b) 和f '(-a) = 2a(a+b) 。

所以蛋形曲率半径在x=a 时是c^2(1/a - 1/b) 并且在x=-a 时它是c^2(1/a+ 1/b) 。


y^2 = - c(x+a)(x-a)(x+b)(x-b) = - c(x^2 - a^2)(x^2 - b^2)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Apollonian cubic:

(x-a)(x^2 + y^2) + bx + cy = 0


Given two line segments, what is the locus of the points P

from which the angles viewing the segments are equal.




A--------------B |




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Apollonian 立方体:

(x-a)(x^2 + y^2) + bx + cy = 0


给定两个线段, P是观查线段段角度相等的点轨迹(不太明白这句话)。

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

其他方法在这个网页上 ://.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~sillke/PUZZLES/egg-curves



如何信达雅地翻译“write drunk, edit sober”?


作者:(德)尼 著,朱泱 译 价格:22.3



作者:(德)尼(Nietzsch,F.W.) 著,李喜雪 目录


Maxims and Arrows

The Problem of Socrates

“Reason”in Philosophy

How the“True World”Finally Became a Fable

Morality as Anti-Nature

The Four Great Errors

The“Improvers”of Mankind

What the Germans Lack

Skirmishes of an Untimely ManW

What I Owe to the Ancients

The Hammer Speaks



作者:(德)尼(Nietzsche,F.) 著,杨向荣,曾莹 编译








1)原文出处:Sometimes I write drunk and revise sober, and sometimes I write sober and revise drunk. But you he to he both elements in creation — the Apollonian and the Dionysian, or spontaneity and restraint, emotion and discipline.”

― Peter De Vries, Reuben, Reuben


