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magnaflux pie field indicator_magnaflux

tamoadmin 2024-08-29 人已围观

简介1.磁通用英语怎么说2.依工特种材料(苏州)有限公司怎么样?3.时空怪客的内容简介4.磁粉探伤用什么字母表示?5.“陶瓷”的拼音是什么?6.哪里有炼钢专业英语词汇?依工测试测量仪器(上海)有限公司是美国依工集团(ITW)在上海成立的美商独资企业. 经营旗下包括:英斯特朗、标乐、磁通等品牌在内的多个相关业务。“磁通”中国 ---依工测试测量仪器(上海)有限公司磁通磁通(Magnaflux)隶属于依工







magnaflux pie field indicator_magnaflux

依工测试测量仪器(上海)有限公司是美国依工集团(ITW)在上海成立的美商独资企业. 经营旗下包括:英斯特朗、标乐、磁通等品牌在内的多个相关业务。“磁通”中国 ---依工测试测量仪器(上海)有限公司

磁通磁通(Magnaflux)隶属于依工测试测量仪器(上海)有限公司。是全球优秀的表面和次表面探伤产品的供应商,其产品覆盖磁粉探伤、渗透探伤用化学材料和设备以及其它无损检测相关的附件产品。Magnaflux在无损检测领域拥有超过80年的历史。 1936年,美国陆军和海军的航空兵明确了在其制造维修工厂用Magnaflux的标准。以此为基础,发展了美国的磁粉探伤和渗透探伤的标准体系。1941年,Magnaflux获得荧光磁粉的专利技术,创造了一种全新的无损探伤方法——荧光磁粉探伤,并将此类产品命名为”MNLO”系列。1985年,美国依工集团(ITW)收购磁通(Magnaflux)公司,Magnaflux自此成为ITW集团旗下的一员。目前, MNAFLUX在全世界共有245多名员工,总部位于美国伊利诺州格兰维市,并在美国、英国、德国、巴西、印度和中国等地设立了生产基地,业务遍及全球各地。

























[电磁] flux;[电磁] magnetic flow更多释义>>


磁通 magnetic flux;flux;magnaflux

旋转偏磁磁通 rotary bias magnetic flux

横磁磁通电机 Transverse flux machine;transverse flux machine


简介:ITW Contamination Control is a contamination control products manufacturing company in the China that produce quality products for aerospace, automotive, biotechnology, food processing, data storage, medical device, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, telecommunications and other industries requiring critical manufacturing environments.

The company believes that the secret for success lies not only in hing top quality products, but also with high caliber employees that value honesty, integrity, and discipline and are team players.













英文名:ITW Specialty Materials (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.





山姆(山缪的暱称)意外的旅程起源于他的时间旅行实验被某个神秘、无法辨识的高能量体所吸收,这个能量体利用他(原因不明)来避免一些普通人生命中所遭遇到的悲剧发生。山姆也遭受不规则的失忆症所苦,又称为「蜂窝乳酪」(Swiss-cheesing)或是(影集中较为技术性的名词)「磁粉探伤」(magnafluxing),这让他无法记得他自己生命中大部分的细节。他与他自己时空唯一的连结,是他朋友艾尔(Al)的全像投影(通常只有山姆看得见)。艾尔(由迪恩·史多克威尔(Dean Stockwell)饰演)是一位美国海军上将,也是这个时间旅行计画的原创人和主管。在每集一开始时都会出现一句口头禅——「Oh boy...」。影集在1989年3月到1993年5月之间,在全国广播公司(NBC)一共播出了集。


magnetic particle inspection 磁粉探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 electromagnetic inspection; eddy current test 电磁探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 magnaflux 磁力探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 magnetic crack detection 磁力探伤检验 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 magnaflux inspection 磁力探伤检验 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 zyglo 荧光伤法; 荧光探伤器 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 dye penetrant inspection 着色探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 penetration inspection 渗透探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 radiographic inspection; radiography 射线探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 fluorescent penetrant inspection 荧光探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 fluorescent crack detection 荧光探伤法 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 impregnating method 浸入探伤法 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 ultrasonic inspection 超声波探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 flaw detection sensitivity 探伤灵敏度 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 angle beam method 斜射法超声波探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 immersion method 液浸法超声波探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 straight beam method 直射法超声波探伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 gamma-ray inspection γ射线探伤; 加马射线检验 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 coke powder 焦炭粉; 煤焦粉 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 galling 擦伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 arc scratch 电弧擦伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 ultriolet ray burn 电弧紫外线灼伤 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 powder metallurgy 粉末冶金; 粉末冶金术 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 carbon powder 碳粉 <铸造焊接词汇>

近 sea coal 煤粉 <铸造焊接词汇>


“陶瓷”的拼音是(táo cí?)

”陶瓷“指1.陶、瓷器的总称 2.陶器和瓷器的制品






H Steel 宽缘工字钢

Hadfield Manganese Steel 哈德菲尔德锰钢

Hadfield Steel 哈德菲尔德高锰钢; 哈特非钢; 奥氏体高锰钢

Hadifield Steel 高锰钢

Half Spherical Steel Bo 半圆形钢质滚轮

Half Steel 钢性生铁

Half-Hard Steel 半硬钢

Halvan Tool Steel 铬钒系工具钢

Hammered Steel 锻钢

Hand Drill Steel 手持式钢钎

Hand Steel Snap 手用钢铆钉模

Hard Alloy Steel 硬合金钢; 硬质合金钢

Hard Steel 硬钢

Hard-Drawn Steel Wire 硬拉钢丝

Hardened And Tempered Steel 调质钢

Hardened Steel 硬化钢; 淬火钢

Hardened Steel Roller 淬火钢滚轮

Hardened-Steel Bushing 淬火钢衬套

Hardened-Steel Guideway 淬火钢导轨

Hardened-Steel Tire 硬化钢环箍

Hardening Of Steel 钢的硬化

Harvey Steel 固体渗碳硬化钢

Heat And Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐热防锈钢

Heat Treatment Of Steel 钢的热处理

Heat-Resistant Steel 耐热钢

Heat-Resisting Alloy Steel 耐热合金钢

Heat-Resisting Steel 耐热钢; 热强钢

Heat-Treatable Steel 热处理钢

Heat-Treated Steel 热处理钢

Heat-Treated Steel Track 热处理钢履带

Hey Section Steel 大型型钢

Hey Steel Rolling Mill 大型轧钢厂

Helical Steel Support 螺旋形井筒支架

Hexagon Bar Steel 六角条钢

Hexagonal Steel Bar 六角形钢筋

Hi-Stren Steel 低合金高强度钢

High Alloy Steel 高质合金钢

High Angle Smooth Bottom Steel Bench Plane 高角平底钢刨

High Boron Steel 高硼钢

High Carbon Steel 高碳钢

High Chrome Alloy Steel 高铬合金钢

High Chrome Steel 高铬钢; 高铬钢

High Chromium Steel 高铬钢

High Frequency Steel Furnace 高频炼钢炉

High Manganese Carbon Steel 高锰碳钢

High Manganese Cast Steel 高锰铸钢

High Manganese Stainless Steel 高锰不锈钢

High Manganese Steel 高锰钢

High Manganese Steel Casting 高锰钢铸件

High Manganese Steel Frog 高锰钢辙叉

High Manganese Steel Rail And Guard Rail 高锰钢辙叉及护轨

High Nickel Steel 高镍钢; 高镍合金钢

High Nickel-Chrome Steel 高镍铬钢

High Pressure Stainless Steel Hose 高压不锈钢软管

High Quality Steel 高级钢

High Speed Steel Bit 高速钢钻头

High Speed Steel Cutter 高速钢刀具

High Speed Steel Ground Tap 高速钢磨削丝锥

High Speed Steel Lathe Tool 高速钢车刀

High Speed Steel Power Hacksaw Blade 高速钢机用锯条

High Speed Steel Tool Bit 高速钢刀具

High Speed Steel Turning Tool 高速钢车刀

High Speed Steel Twist Drill 高速钢麻花钻

High Speed Steel Wire 高速钢丝

High Steel 高碳钢; 硬钢

High Strength Alloy Steel Shackle 高强度合金钢锁扣

High Strength Bevel Steel Washer 高强度钢斜垫圈

High Strength Construction Steel 高强结构钢

High Strength Hull Steel 高强度船体结构钢

High Strength Low Alloy Steel 高强度低合金钢; 低合金高强度钢

High Strength Plain Steel Washer 高强度平钢垫圈

High Strength Steel 高强度钢材

High Strength Steel Bar 高强钢筋

High Strength Steel Plate 高强钢板

High Strength Steel Washer 高强度钢垫圈

High Strength Structural Steel 高强度结构钢

High Tensile Deformed Steel Bar 高拉力异形钢筋

High Tensile Reinforing Steel 高强钢筋

High Tensile Steel 高强度钢; 高级钢

High Tensile Steel Plate 高强钢板

High Tensile Steel Tube 高强度钢管

High Tensile Steel Wire 高强钢丝

High Tensile Thin Steel Plate 高强薄钢板

High Yield Stress Steel 高屈服强度钢

High-Alloy Steel 高合金钢

High-Alloy Steel Vessel 高合金钢容器

High-Carbon Alloy Steel 高碳合金钢

High-Carbon Chromium Steel 高碳铬钢

High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel 高碳高张力钢

High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel Wire 高碳高张力钢线

High-Carbon Steel 高碳钢

High-Carbon Steel Heat Treated 热处理过的高碳钢

High-Chromium Stainless Steel 高铬不锈钢

High-Creep Strength Steel 高蠕变强度钢

High-Ductility Steel 高韧性钢; 高塑性钢

High-Duty Steel 高强度钢

High-Elastic Limit Steel 高弹性极限钢; 高弹性限度钢

High-Frequency Electric Welded Steel Pipe 高频电焊钢管

High-Frequency Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet 高频变压器硅钢片

High-Grade Alloy Steel 高级合金钢

High-Grade Alloy Structure Steel 高级合金结构; 高级合金结构钢

High-Grade Carbon Steel 高级碳素钢

High-Grade Steel 高级钢

High-Quality Nickel Steel Tube 高级镍钢管

High-Quality Steel 高质量钢; 优质钢

High-Speed Steel 高速钢; 高速工具钢

High-Speed Steel Bit 高速钢车刀

High-Speed Steel Drill 高速钢钻头

High-Speed Steel End Mill 高速钢端铣刀

High-Speed Steel Geared Tap 高速钢磨牙丝锥

High-Speed Steel Ingot 高速钢锭

High-Speed Steel Lathe Tool 白钢车刀

High-Speed Steel Tool 高速钢刀具

High-Speed Tool Steel 高速工具钢; 高工钢

High-Strength Bevel Steel Washer 高强度斜垫圈

High-Strength Cast Steel 高速铸铁

High-Strength Low Alloy Steel 高强低合金钢

High-Strength Low-Allow Steel 高强度耐低温钢

High-Strength Plain Steel Washer 高强度平垫圈

High-Strength Quality Steel Wire 高强优质钢丝

High-Strength Steel 高强度钢

High-Strength Steel Electrode 高强度钢焊条

High-Strength Steel Washer 高强度垫圈

High-Sulfur Steel 高硫钢

High-Temper Steel 高温回火钢

High-Temperature Steel 耐高温钢

High-Tensile Steel 高强度钢; 高强钢

High-Tensile Steel Bar 高强度钢筋

High-Tensile Steel Bars 高强度粗钢筋

High-Tensile Steel Reinforcement Bar Fixture 高强钢筋夹具

High-Tensile Steel Wires 高强度钢丝

High-Tensile Structural Steel 高强度结构钢

High-Vanadium Steel 高矾钢; 高钒钢

High-Yield Strength Steel 高屈服点钢; 高屈服强度钢

Highyield Low-Alloy Steel 高强度低合金钢

Hoe Steel 中耕机锄铲

Hole Steel Propeller 钢制空心螺旋桨

Hollow Drill Steel 中空钻探钢

Hollow Square Steel 空心方钢

Hollow Steel 空心钢; 中空钢

Hollow Steel Propeller 中空钢制螺旋桨

Hollow Steel Rim 空心轮辋

Hollow Steel Roller 空心钢辊

Hollow Steel Section 薄壁型钢

Hollow Steel Spoke Wheel 空心钢辐轮

Hollow-Drill Steel 空心钻杆

Homogeneous Steel 均质钢; 均质钢

Homogeneous Steel Plate 均质钢板; 均质钢板

Honda Steel 本多磁钢

Hoop Steel 箍钢带

Hot Die Steel 热锻模钢; 热作模具钢

Hot Work Tool Steel 热镀模具钢; 热锻模具钢

Hot-Die Steel 热变形模具钢; 高温模具钢

Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Wire 热镀锌钢丝

Hot-Dipped Galvanized Sheet Steel 热浴镀锌薄板钢材

Hot-Rolled Mild Steel 热轧软钢

Hot-Rolled Sheet Steel 热轧钢板

Hot-Rolled Sillcon Steel Sheet 热轧硅钢板

Hot-Rolled Steel 热轧钢

Hot-Rolled Steel Bar 热轧钢筋

Hot-Rolled Steel Channel 热轧槽钢

Hot-Rolled Steel Joist 热轧钢龙骨

Hot-Rolled Steel Section 热轧型钢

Hot-Working Die Steel 热锻模钢

Hug Steel 冲模钢

Hull Steel 船用钢; 造船钢

Hy-Tuf Steel 海图夫低合金高强度钢

Hydra Steel 海德拉热模具钢

Hydraulic Steel Holder 液压持纤器

Hydraulic Steel Support 液压钢支架

Hynack Steel Plate 海纳克护膜耐蚀钢板

Hypereutectoid Steel 过共析钢; 超共析钢

Hypoeutectoid Steel 亚共析钢

Hysteresis Steel 磁滞钢

I-Section Steel Pile 工字型钢桩

I-Steel 工字形钢; 窄边工字钢

I-Steel Pile 工字型钢桩

Inclusion In Steel 钢内夹杂

Indented Steel Wire 齿纹钢丝

Industrial Steel Window 工业厂房钢窗

Ingot Steel 钢锭; 锭钢

Inland Steel (美国) 内陆钢铁公司

Instrument For Measuring Oxygen In Molten Steel 钢液定氧仪

Integral (Drill) Steel 整体钢钎

Integral Steel 整体钢钎

Integrated Iron And Steel Works 综合性钢铁厂

Intermediate Grade Steel 中级钢

Internal Fixation With Steel Plate 钢板内固定术

Invar Steel 殷钢

Iron And Steel Base 钢铁基地

Iron And Steel Casting 钢铁铸件

Iron And Steel Company 钢铁公司

Iron And Steel Industry 钢铁工业

Iron And Steel Manufacture 钢铁制造

Iron And Steel Material Shaped 钢铁型材

Iron And Steel Plant 钢铁厂

Iron And Steel Scrap 废钢铁

Iron And Steel Sheet And Plate 钢铁板材

Iron And Steel Sheet Piling 铁及钢板桩法凿井

Iron And Steel Wire 钢铁丝材

Iron And Steel Works 钢铁厂

Iron-And-Steel Furnace 黑色金属冶金炉

Irreversible Steel 不可逆钢

Joist Steel 梁钢

Joy Extensible Steel Band 乔伊可伸缩式钢带运输机

Jumper Steel 钻杆钢; 长凿钢

Jute-Covered Steel Pipe 包黄麻钢管

Killed Carbon Steel (KCS) 镇静碳钢

Killed Steel 镇静钢

Killed Steel (去氧钢) 脱氧钢

Krupp Austenite Steel 奥氏体铬镍合金钢

Krupp Triple Steel 克鲁普铬钼钒高速钢

L.P.N. Steel 低氮碱性底吹转炉钢

Lacquer-Coated Steel Sheet 涂漆薄钢板

Lead Bearing Steel 含铅钢

Lead Treated Steel 含铅易切削钢

Lead-Coated Steel Plate 镀铅钢板

Lead-Sheathed Steel-Taped 铅包钢带

Leaded Low-Phosphorus Steel 含铅低磷钢

Lean Alloy Steel 低合金钢

Ledloy Free Cutting Steel 加铅易切削钢

Light Channed Steel 轻型槽钢

Light Gauge Steel 轻量型钢

Light Weight Steel Shape 轻型钢材

Light-Gauge Steel Section 薄壁型钢

Light-Weight Angle Steel 轻型角钢

Lightgage Steel Joist 轻钢龙骨

Lightweight Steel Construction 轻钢结构

Lightweight Steel Shape 冷弯型钢

Lip Hat Section Steel 带缘帽型钢

Lip Z Steel 带缘Z型钢

Liquid Steel 钢水

Liquid-Compressed Steel 液态挤压钢; 加压凝固钢

Little Bessemer Steel 小型酸性转炉钢

Lock Bar Steel Pipe 箍锚钢管

Locking Steel Wire 锁紧钢丝

Long Steel Tape 钢卷尺

Long Steel Wire Saw 长钢丝锯

Long-Span Steel Framing 大跨钢构架

Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢

Low Alloy Steel High Side Wagon 低合金钢敞车

Low Alloy Steel Plate 低合金钢板

Low Alloy Tool Steel 低合金工具钢

Low Alloyed Steel 低合金钢

Low Carbon Steel 低碳钢

Low Carbon Steel Electrode 低碳钢焊条

Low Carbon Steel Pipe 低碳钢管

Low Carbon Steel Welding Electrode 低碳钢电焊条

Low Hysteresis Steel 低磁滞钢; 低磁滞硅钢

Low Machinability Steel 难切削钢

Low Manganess Steel 低锰钢

Low Pressure Stainless Steel Hose 低压不锈钢软管

Low Steel 低碳钢

Low Steel Proportion 低含钢率

Low Temperature Steel Electrode 低温钢焊条

Low Tungsten High Speed Steel 低钨高速钢

Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel 低合金高强度钢

Low-Alloy High-Tensile Structural Steel 低合金高强度结构钢

Low-Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrode 低合金钢焊条

Low-Alloy Threading Steel 低合金螺纹钢

Low-Alloy Tool Steel 低合金工具钢

Low-Angle Smooth Bottom Steel Bench Plane 低角平底钢刨

Low-Carbon Cast Steel 低碳铸钢

Low-Carbon Steel 低碳钢

Low-Chrome Steel 低铬钢

Low-Ductility Steel 低塑性钢

Low-Expansion Steel 低膨胀钢

Low-Temperature (Low Temperature) Steel 低温钢

Lowalloy Structural Steel 低合金钢

Machine Steel 机件钢; 机器钢

Machinery Steel 机器钢

Magnaflux Steel 航空用高强度钢

Magnet Steel 磁钢

Magnetic Steel 磁钢; 磁性钢

Magnetic Steel Detector 钢筋磁性检测仪

Magnetically Soft Steel 软磁钢

Main Reinforcing Steel 主钢筋

Major-Orthotropic Steel-Plate Bridge 主正交各向异性钢板桥

Malleable Mild Steel 韧性低碳钢; 韧性软钢

Malleable Steel 展性钢; 软钢; 韧性钢

Man-Ten Steel 低合金高强度钢

Manganese Silicon Spring Steel 锰硅弹簧钢

Manganese Silicon Steel 锰硅钢

Manganese Silicon Tool Steel 锰硅工具钢

Manganese Spring Steel 锰弹簧钢

Manganese Steel 锰钢; 哈德菲尔德锰钢

Manganese Tool Steel 锰工具钢

Manganese Vanadium Steel 锰钒钢

Manganese Vanadium Tool Steel 锰矾工具钢; 锰钒工具钢

Manufacture Of Iron And Steel By Melting 钢铁熔炼

Maraging Steel 马氏体时效钢

Marconi Steel Tape Recorder 马可尼磁带录音机

Martensite Steel 马登斯体钢; 马氏体钢

Martensitic Stain Less Steel 马氏体不锈钢

Martensitic Steel 马氏体钢

Martensitic Steel 马氏永磁体

Martin Steel 平炉钢; 马丁钢

Martinel Steel 马蒂内尔结构钢; 硅锰钢; 硅锰结构钢

Mattress Netting Steel Wire 钢丝床用钢丝

Measuring Case Depth For Steel 钢表层硬化深度测定法; 钢的表层硬化深度测定法

Mechanically Ced Steel 机械封顶钢

Medium Alloy Steel 中合金钢

Medium Carbon Steel 中碳钢

Medium Hard Steel 中等硬度钢; 中硬钢; 在硬钢

Medium Manganese Steel 中锰钢

Medium Steel (MS) 中碳钢

Medium Temper Steel 中等回火钢

Medium Width Steel Strip 中等宽度带钢

Medium-Hard Steel 中硬钢

Merchant Steel 商品钢; 商品条钢; 条钢

Mercury-In-Steel Thermometer 钢管水银温度计; 钢壳水银温度计

Mild Carbon Steel 低碳钢

Mild Carbon Steel Strip 低碳带钢

Mild Sheet Steel 软钢板

Mild Steel 软钢; 低碳钢

Mild Steel Arc Welding Electrode 低碳钢焊条

Mild Steel Channel 槽钢

Mild Steel Checkered Plate 花纹钢板

Mild Steel Equal Angle 等边角钢

Mild Steel Expanded Sheets 钢板网

Mild Steel Fire Box 软钢板火箱

Mild Steel Hexagonal Bolts 六角螺丝梗

Mild Steel Hexagonal Bolts And Nuts 六角螺丝闩

Mild Steel I-Beam 低碳工字钢

Mild Steel Ingot 低碳钢锭

Mild Steel Plate 软钢板

Mild Steel Reinforcement (含钢量0.12--0.25%) 软钢钢筋

Mild Steel Shank 软钢手柄

Mild Steel Sheet 软钢皮

Mild Steel Welding Rod 低碳钢焊丝

Mild Steel Wire 低碳钢丝

Mild-Carbon Steel Strip 低碳带钢; 低碳钢带

Mild-Steel Domestic Boiler 软钢家用锅炉

Mild-Steel Sheet 低碳钢薄板

Mini Steel Plant 小型钢铁厂

Mishima Magnet Steel 铝镍强磁钢

Mold Steel 型模钢

Molten Steel 钢水; 钢液

Molybdenum High Speed Steel 钼高速钢